Project Em Events


9 2023

LinkedIn & Profile Reviews

10:00AM - 11:30AM  

Jewish Family Services Columbus

Columbus, OH, OH


Join Jeff Young for what is trending on LinkedIn & also get a profile review. Learn something new and get professiona…


9 2023

Write a Resume that Gets You Interviews

11:00AM - 12:30PM  

JEVS Career Strategies
123 S Broad Street, 7th Fl
Philadelphia, PA 19109


Is your resume getting you noticed? If not, join us to find out about: • Optimizing your resume so that it has all …


9 2023

MS Word 2016

12:00PM - 1:30PM  

Phillip Konecki
5402 Arapaho Rd
Dallas, TX 75248


MS Word 2016 is a 5-day long class designed for beginners as well as those experienced users who are looking for a re…


9 2023

MS Word 2016

12:00PM - 1:30PM  

Phillip Konecki
5402 Arapaho Rd
Dallas, TX 75248


MS Word 2016 is a 5-day long class designed for beginners as well as those experienced users who are looking for a re…


9 2023

Write a Resume That Stands Out

1:00PM - 2:15PM  


Is your resume attracting enough attention? Today, resumes must be tailored for a specific job description – focuse…